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Empowering health and medical research leaders to achieve ambitious outcomes.

Strategy is at the heart of our purpose.


We are independent research strategy specialists committed to your success.


For 10 years, we have worked with clients across Australia, to help them address the complex challenges facing the health and medical research sector.

Our Focus

Moira Clay Consulting takes on projects we know will make a difference.


Our focus areas represent some of the biggest health priorities in Australia. We have chosen these based on our strengths, experience and expertise.


We thrive on working with health and medical research leaders to develop simple and implementable strategies to address complex challenges.

Woman holding pink ribbon
Heart-shaped bowl of fruit
Child receiving immunisation


Cardiovascular Disease

Child Health

Person walking in nature
Human brain on blue plate

Mental Health

Neurological Disease

Moira speaking at TEDx Fremantle 2018
Moira speaking at the Australasian Research Management Conference
Moira Clay Consulting on site at the SA Health and Medical Research Institute
Moira Clay Consulting Team on site at the Telethon Kids Institute
Moira in action facilitating the stakeholder forum for the WA Comprehensive Cancer Centre
Moira and consumer advocate Anne McKenzie AM
Moira Clay Consulting team on site at Edith Cowan University
Moira Clay Consulting Team strategising in Melbourne
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